For Mother’s Day this year, we wanted to switch things up a bit! We asked our fellow W agents and staff to tell us their favorite memories and traditions from Mother’s Day, and in return, we would share their special stories and traditions with you. So here’s to all the special women in our lives this Mother’s Day, today we celebrate you! Keep reading below to hear from our W agents and staff!
Share a fond Mother’s Day Memory! It can be you + your kids, you + your mom/maternal figure, etc.:
My kids write me handwritten notes every year and always say the most beautiful things about me.
– Hayley Bennett, Realtor® at W
Several years ago my son was on deployment and I hadn’t heard from him in weeks. He surprised me on Mother’s Day with a phone call and I just burst into tears. So unexpected and to hear his voice was the absolute best!
– Maria Kenney, Realtor® at W
I really enjoy going to the beach to celebrate.
– Adriana Torres, Bicentennial Office Receptionist at W
My wife Katie was always great about sharing a Mother’s Day celebration with my late mom, always involving our kids, usually a brunch and/or BBQ dinner, and including boating on Lake Sonoma (not so sure how well that one went over 😉
– Dan Stevens, Chief Development Officer at W
My mom and I used to walk down to Pier 23 in San Francisco, ordered a bucket of beer, a plate of peel n’ eat prawns, and soaked up some sunshine by The Bay. Can’t wait until my boys are old enough to take me!
– Alison Weese, Realtor® at W
Mother’s Day Brunch with the family at Flamingo with my parents, Nana (who now has passed) and all my three kids, and two cousins.
– Cari Torres, Realtor® at W
We always love mom’s day outings like hiking with a picnic in wine country. Just being together.
– Tracey Cooper, Realtor® at W
The Glen Ellen Fire Department Brunch with My mom, my wife, her mom and grandmother, and my children when they were toddlers. 4 moms at once!
– Steven Krause, Realtor® at W
One of my favorite memories from when my kids were little was the morning they decided to surprise me with breakfast in bed. They tiptoed into my room, carefully balancing a tray with a lopsided stack of pancakes, a glass of orange juice, and a flower from the garden. Seeing their excitement to surprise me will stay with me forever. We spent hours cuddling under the covers, sharing stories, and laughing about the syrupy mess they made.
– Nanette Boettger, Realtor® at W
As a mother I greatly enjoy watching my children parent their kids. We used to go out to eat on Mother’s Day but since Grandchildren came along we usually opt to be home where the kids can play. Getting together with multiple generations with my amazing family is my favorite way to spend Mother’s Day.
– Carla Waller, Chief Financial Officer at W
Last years Mother’s Day was the most memorable, I was 9 months pregnant and celebrating Mother’s Day with all the wonderful mamas in my life.
– Nancy Azevedo, Realtor® at W
Any of my favorite memories involve spending time with my family. I have many fond Mother’s Day memories spent with large groups of extended family. My very first Mother’s Day and the last Mother’s Day I spent with my own mother, are two that are extremely precious to me.
– Cheryl Peterson, Realtor® at W
My second Mother’s Day being a mom we were in Texas and went to Bucees and spent almost $300 at the gas station 😅
– Kasie Gray, Broker Associate at W
Share your favorite Mother’s Day tradition.:
My kid’s making me dinner.
– Hayley Bennett, Realtor® at W
I have 3 sisters and we always like to BBQ at my sister’s house with the whole family. My Mom and Dad are in their 80’s and 90’s, so between the grands, great grans, and cousins, it is quite the party. We all look forward to it every year. Best day ever because it is Spring, and beautiful out, and the love is flowing!! (and so is the wine )
– Maria Kenney, Realtor® at W
I love getting my mom flowers 🙂
– Adriana Torres, Bicentennial Office Receptionist at W
My two little boys, 7 and 9, and my husband, ‘surprise’ me each year with a hand-picked new plant for our yard – something that will bloom and bring color for me each Spring. Somehow, they always find my new favorite!
– Alison Weese, Realtor® at W
I loved all the homemade Mother’s Day Projects – Poems and cute personalized gifts when the kids were in grammar school.
– Cari Torres, Realtor® at W
Our Mother’s Day tradition is getting all the moms together in our family, grandmas, great aunts, moms, dads, etc., and all the kids for a Mom’s Day brunch in wine country.
– Tracey Cooper, Realtor® at W
Brunch followed by a hike.
– Steven Krause, Realtor® at W
Every Mother’s Day, the women in our family gather for a tradition that we’ve all come to cherish. One of us will host at our home bringing nothing but ourselves. It’s a day where we set aside the usual worries of cooking, cleaning, or any other chores. Instead, we spend the time catching up, sharing stories, and savoring delicious food that someone else has prepared for us. It’s a special time that fills our hearts and reminds us of the incredible bond we share.
– Nanette Boettger, Realtor® at W
My husband always took our kids shopping to pick out a Mother’s Day gift. It was always so much fun to see what they came back with and hear the stories of what each child suggested they thought I would like.
– Carla Waller, Chief Financial Officer at W
Me and my husband pay a special visit to his mom’s & stepmom’s house to drop off flowers and give them all the love they deserve. My momma gets flowers delivered to her doorstep the years she isn’t in town celebrating in person.
– Nancy Azevedo, Realtor® at W
My favorite Mother’s Day is made up of simple, unstructured time together as a family.
– Cheryl Peterson, Realtor® at W
Getting brought coffee in bed.
– Kasie Gray, Broker Associate at W
Flying kites at Salmon Creek has always been a cherished Mother’s Day tradition that started with my Mom, my sister, and me. Now, being a Mom of 25 years, To this day, when Mother’s Day rolls around, both of my kids texting me, “Hi Mom, Beach Day for Mother’s Day?” The Beach on Mother’s Day holds an extra special meaning for me. it’s a place where memories were made, where the bond between a mother, her daughters, and the beauty of nature was celebrated.
– Kristen Foster, Director of Agent Support at W
Working moms, do you find it challenging to juggle your career and professional life?:
-Hayley Bennett, Realtor® at W
Yes, for sure! Part of me felt guilty going back to work, but I do prefer working over staying at home. And, I get to really appreciate the time I get to have with my child when I do have it.
-Adriana Torres, Bicentennial Office Receptionist at W
It feels nearly impossible to switch between mom-brain and working brain – so they are both always ‘on’. But, what’s cool, is as much as I love being at their baseball games, and supporting their growth, they are proud of me when I sell a house and take care of my clients. We work hard to set good examples for each other.
– Alison Weese, Realtor® at W
Luckily my children have an amazing Abuela (grandma) who without her I definitely would have struggled juggling the 3 kids’ schedules and working.
– Cari Torres, Realtor® at W
Of course, my career and parenting busy kids can be a challenge at times but also very rewarding. I think it’s a gift for our kids to see us juggle it all and know the value of hard work/family life.
– Tracey Cooper, Realtor® at W
As a working mom with older kids, I’ve found a rhythm that lets me juggle my career while still being there for my family. My job allows me the flexibility to set my own hours, so I can prioritize. This balance doesn’t come without some challenges, but knowing that I can be there for the important moments makes it all worthwhile. It’s a constant balancing act, but with a little creativity and a lot of heart, I’ve learned how to make it work for me and the people I care about.
– Nanette Boettger, Realtor® at W
Yes. Finding balance isn’t easy. One side of me wants to work and accomplish all my career goals, and the other part of me wants to stay home & snuggle with my baby all day long.
– Nancy Azevedo, Realtor® at W
Parenthood is a balancing act (sometimes on a tightrope) that comes with a multitude of challenges; and if we look closely, within those challenges lay hidden blessings and opportunities for growth. When I first became a mother, I learned soon after that our son had special needs. I feel so deeply grateful to have a career that allows me to be a present, devoted parent as well as a consummate professional. I have a supportive home and work environment to thank for that. The work I do within and outside of my home is rooted in purpose, service, and gratitude, something that I feel proud of.
– Nalishma Carvelho, Realtor® at W
Being in a career that has had very little boundaries for agents for a long time is the most challenging part. Setting expectations and building boundaries have helped me juggle the business. Being a mom never stops and being a realtor doesn’t either. It’s hard most days to feel like everyone and everything is getting exactly what they need.
– Kasie Gray, Broker Associate at W
What is your favorite, or most rewarding, aspect of being a parent?:
Watching my kids grow up and become adults.
– Hayley Bennett, Realtor® at W
Sunday dinners with my kids and grandkids
– Maria Kenney, Realtor® at W
My favorite part is seeing my kid play, and his intelligence always amazes me.
-Adriana Torres, Bicentennial Office Receptionist at W
Favorite is watching them laugh and smile, never too much of that. Most rewarding is seeing how much they’ve grown intellectually, physically, and emotionally. Fortunately, they are all healthy, smart, and very competitive!
– Dan Stevens, Chief Development Officer at W
The unsolicited ‘I love you, Mom’ hug. Gets me every time.
– Alison Weese, Realtor® at W
I think being a parent in this day in age with technology, phones, gaming, and social media it is a constant job to make sure your children are staying on the right path and striving to be the best version of themselves. It’s the hardest job. The most rewarding is watching them all succeed. No matter how good of a parent you are it’s natural and it happens to have struggles and experience challenges and phases with your child. I’ve had challenging times and it all passes. It’s very rewarding to see how much kids mature within a quick period of time. I love watching all of their different personalities and how they all are completely different. I’m grateful for all 3 of my children even when times are tough and most importantly they’re all healthy.
– Cari Torres, Realtor® at W
It’s incredibly rewarding to see our kids thrive, grow, and be responsible, independent young adults. Every age is just as rewarding as the last! It’s fun that we get to experience their journey with them from birth to toddler phase on into young adulthood. I used to think that just the baby years were going to be the best and it just keeps getting better.
– Tracey Cooper, Realtor® at W
Seeing the kiddos finally start to apply all of the things you’ve been telling them over and over like a broken record (yes please, thank you, no thank you), and of course them giving back love.
– Steven Krause, Realtor® at W
The most rewarding part of being a mom is watching my kids grow into kind, compassionate, and independent individuals. It’s small moments, like when I see them sticking up for someone in need, working hard to accomplish their goals. I’m a proud Mom and so thankful for being blessed with such incredible children.
– Nanette Boettger, Realtor® at W
That my children are responsible adults and are in turn raising amazing kids.
– Carla Waller, Chief Financial Officer at W
Everything. My baby has taught me patience and the meaning of true love. I get so much enjoyment out of just watching her develop her sassy giggly personality.
– Nancy Azevedo, Realtor® at W
Having raised 3 incredible human beings, and then watching them raise their own families, has been the most fulfilling life experience. Add in the additional blessings of 4 beautiful grandchildren and life could not better!
– Cheryl Peterson, Realtor® at W
For me, the most rewarding part of being a parent is what I have for my children. A love that can be communicated without ever uttering a word. It’s the kind of love where compassion and empathy invade every crevice in the heart. And some days it’s the kind of love where your hearts break over and over but rebuilding it creates something even stronger and more beautiful than before.
– Nalishma Carvelho, Realtor® at W
The little voices saying I love you, the slobbery kiss that’s kind of, mostly a bite. The way my girls love each other is so sweet and I love to see how their personalities grow.
– Kasie Gray, Broker Associate at W
Wholehearted Unconditional Love.
– Kristen Foster, Director of Agent Support at W