Blog August 22, 2022

Tips To Create The Ultimate Homework Station


Little boy doing his assignment using a laptop at his homework station

Little boy doing his assignment using a laptop at his homework station

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Homework time can be a delicate yet overwhelming time for both parents and kids. Kids can come home and decide they’d rather do pretty much anything else than sit down and do more school work. Or maybe your kids want to get their homework done right away, but also run the risk of getting distracted by their friends or siblings. To help combat the homework blues, we’ve put together some tips to help you create the perfect homework station, so your children can feel comfortable focusing and successfully complete their work each day!

Create a Designated Space Away From Distractions

Step one to set your kids up for homework success is to create a designated space for them to work! Choose a quiet area of the house where they can focus, whether it’s their bedroom or another spare room/area in your house that has fewer distractions. Make sure this area is comfortable and cozy so that they feel welcomed in to sit down and get started on their homework.

Get Creative with Desk Placement

Consider setting up the desk in an area with plenty of windows or natural light. This will provide a good balance of light for studying and allow for enjoying views of the outdoors as well when they need to take a break!

If you don’t have a lot of space, try a multi-functional setup. There are plenty of options and inspiration for fold-away desks that allow you to use a space for studying, and then tuck away all the supplies when you’re done! You can also get creative when customizing your kids space. Instead of just setting up a desk and being done with it, try adding in shelves to allow them to set up their materials in a way that best helps them concentrate and keep their desk free of clutter!

Install Sufficient Lighting

A vital step in setting up your homework station is to make sure that there is enough lighting and that it’s the right kind of light. This is going to be different for every person and their room setup, but here are some basics:

● You want a good overhead lamp and at least one other lamp (either on your desk or on the floor). Ideally, they should be adjustable so you can adjust the brightness depending on where you’re working in your room.

● Ensure that both lamps are not overly bright or dim—you want a good balance, so it doesn’t cause eye strain while studying. Also, avoid harsh overhead bulbs like fluorescent lights; go with soft incandescent lamps instead!

Keep Supplies Close By

To keep your supplies organized and easy to find, create a homework station with the following supplies:

● A basket or bin to hold pencils and pens.
● A container for paper clips, staples, and glue sticks.
● A plastic pencil box for erasers, highlighters, and markers.

Once you have a place for everything, ensure everything is in its place! If you need help keeping things neat, consider using labels or stickers as reminders, so nothing gets lost in the shuffle (or desk). This style of organization is especially important for your younger students!

Display Their Special Work

Find a place for your child to display their favorite artwork and successful assignments as well. This will help them feel good about the time they spend doing homework. You can hang up paintings or drawings on the wall with some simple pushpins and then maybe put up a few shelves above it where they can display their favorite books as well.

Another great place for displaying artwork is by using magnetic frames that are easily movable. This way, if there’s something new that they want to show off, it’s easy enough for them just pick up and move into place without having any trouble!


Whether it’s the dining room table, a desk in a quiet corner of your home, or a dedicated space in your child’s bedroom, creating the perfect homework station is all about setting up an environment that’s conducive to learning. By taking these few steps and creating this space in your home, not only are you helping your kids start the school year off right, you are showing your children that you are invested in their scholastic success!

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