Agent of the Month May 29, 2024

Agent of the Month – Chelsea Cambra



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Congratulations to our May Agent of the Month, Chelsea Cambra! From the start to the end of each transaction, Chelsea never forgets her clients. She understands that buying a home is without a doubt one of the biggest commitments a client can make, so she makes it a point to connect with her clients and never forget the homeownership goals they entrusted to her. The end result is a great relationship and reputation amongst her clients and colleagues alike. Keep reading to learn more about Chelsea!


What three words would you use to describe your approach to the real estate business?:

Honest, Relatable, Reliable


What’s one aspect of your business that you are looking to improve on this year? In what ways/how would like to see yourself improve?:

An aspect I would like to improve is the consistency of my day-to-day business tasks. My organizational skills need improvement…my transaction coordinators would be very happy about that!


To what do you attribute your success most?:

Ability to connect with people and understand what my client’s needs are.


If you had one piece of advice for someone just starting out in real estate, what would it be?:

Get a great mentor! Put yourself out there by hosting open houses and networking.


What’s the one piece of advice you always give your clients first?:

Go with your gut! This is a huge purchase…you can’t just rush into it!


Failure is a natural part of achieving success. How do you recoup when things don’t necessarily go your way?:

Accept the failure and try to identify where you can prevent similar situations in the future. Don’t expect perfection.


If work-life balance is important to you how can you tell if you are getting it right?:

It is a hard thing to get right, but I believe in working hard and rewarding yourself with things you enjoy! If your mind isn’t right, you won’t succeed in your business.


What roles have mentors played in your life and career?:

When I started in Real Estate, I worked with a team of great mentors who gave me helpful, realistic guidance. I wouldn’t have the knowledge I have today without them.


What risks were you willing to take when starting out in your career and how have they benefitted you?:

Participating in trainings, mock phone calls, and roleplaying that took me out of my comfort zone.


If you could only ever visit one business again in Sonoma/Napa/Mendocino/SF County, what would it be and why?:

Jackson’s Bar and Oven! Great staff and a good environment!


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